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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year 2012!!

Hello Dude!! Happy New Year 2012!!!!

what u guys planning for 2012 yo~

Daily planning start on the morning.
Yearly planning start on the 1st January.

So do i, have some plan.

Here is the mega project list;

  • Write diary
  • Blog post up to 100 for this year
  • Finish 50 books at least
  • Ultimate $ saving plan
  • Be an intelligent engineer instead of "cow eng"/ Anjing-Liar
  • Do constant sport activity, be healthy, live healthy
  • Change a little bit in lifestyle to be GREEN

Uh huh, sounds rare or too general?

haha, dunno why, this few aims are the thing i always want to do,

and ya, i am doing it now actually, but just stop-cont-stop,

this year, i wish to implement all the aims constantly and discipline

Oh yeah~ wish u guys have a nice year



  1. 100 blog posts sound acceptable but finishing 50 books is a challenge for me. i must start setting up my goals for the year already :)

    Latest: Happy Hakka 2012!

  2. haha~ 50 books are challenging for myself as well. even 2011, i finish around + - 30 books only. haha.
